Ever felt like you’ve needed any of the below?
better posture
more mobility
less muscle tension
less joint stiffness
better breathing technique
better sleep
less anxiety
If you answered yes to any of the above then watch this video to see how your current breathing pattern is.
Give this a go to see how functional your current breathing pattern is…
Did you find that really challenging?
Are you more of a chest breather?
Or do you already use good quality diaphragmatic breathing?
The good news is that no matter how you found the breathing test, it is still good to keep working on your breath & movement to improve posture, mobility & help you feel more connected to your body. The best way to do this is by using Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (DNS) principles.
DNS is designed to target your Central Nervous System (brain & spinal cord) to improve your movement patterns so you can let go of tension and feel more connected with your body through movement. The fundamentals of this are based on good diaphragmatic breathing which helps to create stability in your mid section (abdomen) so your limbs are free to move with good quality movement.
DNS postures help to create lengthening and stability in joints which helps to decrease tension in the muscle of that joint. It helps to restore better movement patterns so your muscles move together in the way they are designed to move to improve your quality of movement.
These DNS postures & flows are a great way to reconnect to your body & feel more freedom of movement & better posture.
If you’d like to know more about this then you can find out more here.