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In order for the brain to change you must give it permission...

There are many ways to tap into the brain's wiring and make subtle changes that can then carry over to everyday life and become a new habit.

I have had the pleasure of working with an amazing young lady who has been living with Right sided Cerebral Palsy and came to me for help a few years ago. I have watched her transform from a shy; quiet; unsure; not very confident young person who struggled with her condition into a strong; fit; independent; sure of herself; spiritual young lady who you would not want to mess with I might add. She stands up for herself; has taken ownership of her weaknesses and started turning them into strengths, she walks proud and lives life to the fullest every day! A total inspiration that is for sure.

Don't just settle...fight for change and change will be inevitable

"I decided to give Mary a go as she came highly recommended, almost 2 years on I can say it was the best decision I've ever made. Living with Cerebral Palsy Right sided weakness I have always struggled with my mobility, walking long distances, both my arm, foot getting very stiff, sore and my overall fitness.
Mary saw my body first then worked out why it was doing what it was and set exercises around that - first time ' I didn't hear Ok let's do surgery!' I was so pleased!
Through doing these exercises I noticed a difference between 3-6 months, surprised myself by walking more than 1 block without stopping or holding on to someone and it just got better from there. Now I can walk much further with no help, have increased strength in my Right side which makes daily routine less painful and my fitness levels couldn't be better.
Seeing small changes just made me want more and I really started to believe in myself, develop more self esteem, confidence, started to achieve long term goals and had a reason to hold my head high.
Mary has a way and understanding of the body that many few have - just made it so I can get the best out of myself.
Saying that I'm grateful for all that Mary has done for me would be an understatement, through my time I've dealt with many professionals and I can truly say Mary has restored my faith. She's one of the good ones. 
Thank you Mary for giving me all the knowledge I need to get the most out of my body and realise anything is possible if you put your mind to it". ~ Julia L.

I hope this inspires others to seek change in their lives!